Monday, May 18, 2015

Desire for a Better World

    Things that ignite my desire to make this world a better place are poverty, which is common in all nations, violence, and finally the poor treatment of other human beings. Unfortunately, I have seen poverty, first hand, in India, and I know how distressful it is. Seeing children and adults having to beg others for sources which we take for granted and have an abundance of is rather an unsettling feeling. All though this is impossible, I desire a way to end poverty in total. Next, I would desire to put an end to violence as it is rather causes an unnecessary bloodshed. All though I have never seen or expressed violence that has lead to unnecessary bloodshed, I have heard of such experiences and I hope that there is a way to end it fully. Finally, I hope to find a way to stop the poor treatment of human beings. Unfortunately, this is commonly expressed in Middle-Eastern nations such as Islam. The poor treatment of women and other human beings is something that I wish never occurred. My religion also shares in ties to Syria, which is a nation suffering under the assaults of Muslims. Unfortunately the career I have in mind, is either in finance or being a computer programmer which is not very productive in fulfilling these goals that I desire to accomplish. Maybe I can use programming to make an app or program that is simplistic and easy to access for those under poverty. Other than that, I do not believe that my career can help solve the problems in the world which is rather unfortunate. 

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