Thursday, February 26, 2015

Technology Article 2/27

The social network that you can wear

     Normally, when you interact with someone, in order to learn about someone, one has to interpret someone's body language or the words they say. Now this action of interpretation can be performed by simply just reading a shirt. It seems as though design teams at MIT's Tangible Media Group and the Fluid Interface Group have worked together to create a garment that incorporates social networking into it and tells other wearers your interests, associations and even if people are compatible organ donors. The group of MIT students behind the project - Viirj Kan, Katsuya Fujii, Judith Amores, and Chang Long Zhu Jin - wanted to look at ways of seeing how social media worked outside the confines of the computer screen. Sporting a chic alphabet design on the front, the T-shirt's pattern is printed in thermo-chromatic ink with a thin circuit membrane under the weave.The T-shirt uses Bluetooth to pair with your phone and all your critical data. The shirt will "tap" the wearer to indicate that there is another shirt wearer nearby. However, this can only be done up to 12 feet. After the T-shirt has alerted you to the fact there's another wearer in the room, capacitive sensors in the shirt read either a handshake, touch or high five before the T-shirt starts transmitting your data and you begin wearing your heart on your sleeve. Unfortunately, the shirt is still in prototype and it is unknown when it will be coming out.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Technology Article 2/23

YouTube has a new apps just for kids

    As the title suggests, Google ,the owner of YouTube, has created an app specifically for young children. Simply put, this app is really a more sanitized or a cleaner form of YouTube. This app has a much more simpler design than the original YouTube and is so easy that even young children that are unable to read will be able to easily navigate themselves. Unfortunately, this app will also be carrying ads which has surely annoyed us all one way or another.Of course, these ads will be observed to see which is appropriate for this app. Although it can be argued that YouTube already had a safety mode, it is still very easy for children, hence the creation of this new application. YouTube Kids is said to ensure that kids do not search inappropriate terms and will be suggested to search something else. There is also an timer option that sets a certain time limit for this app's usage which is good for parental control. Videos will be separated into different categories being Shows, which are channels having popular shows children such as Sesame Street and the Fuzees. Next there is Music containing many songs adored by young children such as "Let It Go". There is also the new Learn and Explore Section which shows content interesting to younger people such as Minecraft and singing. Overall, this can be useful, as it gives children now to access to a YouTube that is more cleaner for young ages.

YouTube for kids

Friday, February 20, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

     This year, I am taking Chemistry, under the teachings of Mrs. Sistarenik, which is one of my preferred classes. She has a very interesting behavior, reveals hilarity at certain moments, contains a broad, wide sense of knowledge, and she has the tolerance to handle many classes with a calm behavior. There is also the fact that she was my teacher in the department of Science last year. During the previous year, she contained a very humorous and exciting behavior and treated everyone with pure happiness and hilarity. She knows how to captivate her class while teaching very difficult topics of Science.Click here to see her website.
      When I entered the class, on the first day, I was expecting a high level of difficulty. Unfortunately, I was correct in this matter of education. Chemistry is by no means, a simple class, and carries a degree of great difficulty. Chemistry carries both the aspects of Math and Science together. Mrs. Sistarenik grades her students based on the information she teaches and describes. This will normally be in the form of worksheets, tests, assignments, and other different forms of work. She believes in the concept of having her tables work together to formulate an answer for the work she assigns.
     Currently, in the class of Chemistry, we are learning the different type of chemical reactions and the table of activity energy. We often use technology when do we perform worksheets known as Pogil activities. Currently, we finished a project which required us to make a video for YouTube. With my partner, we were able to burn steel wool to form iron oxide. It also formed a work of fire works around the steel wool. Overall, I believe her class is very exceptional and will lead me to a successful school life.

If interested to see articles relating to this wondrous subject click here
The Fun of Chemistry

The Fun of Balancing Equations

If you desire, you can see what my experiment would look like in its purest form.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Technology Article 2/12

Newsweek Twitter, others hacked by CyberCaliphate

CyberCaliphate, a group that is said to be similarities are in partnership with ISIS, has been able to hack a numerous amount of Twitter accounts and the breaking news system of a Maryland television station. The Twitter feeds of Newsweek and veterans' group Military Spouses of Strength were hacked Tuesday morning by a group identifying itself as CyberCaliphate, the same organization that was confirmed to have hacked the twitter account for U.S. Central Command earlier this year.The group posted threatening tweets against First Lady Michelle Obama and others, and photos on the two pages that were similar to the postings on the hacked @CentComm twitter feed. In response, Twitter has suspended the hacked CENTCOMM Twitter account. The hacked Maryland television station tweeted that their text alerts have been hacked and are seeking a remedy to this issue. The station said as many as 16,000 subscribers received threatening messages like the following: "We're 
CyberCaliphate! With Allah's permission we're coming for you! You'll see no mercy infidel!"


Monday, February 9, 2015

Welcoming Post

Hello and welcome to my blog. Before you start reading any other information from other postings, here is a few things about me in general.

  • Likes-My interests consist of experimenting with my computer, occasionally playing video games, the color green and orange, certain subjects such as History, foods such as banana bread, my native food, and other kinds of delicacies , and especially certain kinds of clothing such as cardigans and p-coats
  • Dislikes-My disinterests are  obnoxious, annoying and irritating people, mainly tomatoes and onions, and many other small pet peeves 
  • Classes that I am taking are mainly classes required for graduation such as History, Math English, and much more 
  • I am hoping to go into classes in the educational field.

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

     The article gives detailed on the subject of copyright regarding the Internet. When ever you create or draw something, you automatically have ownership and are protected under copyright laws.  Under normal circumstances, people are allowed to use images from the Internet; only for purposes such as educational, teaching, research and other specific reasons as long as they are for non-profit. However, if the image is licensed, the user of the image must get permission in order to use the image or they may suffer from being sued. So in totality, images that are not licensed can be used easier but must be used fairly but licensed images require both permission and fair usage of the image.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Technology Article 2/6

Bleep blorp: New Japanese hotel to be staffed by robots

       As suggested in the title, Huis Ten Bosch, a theme park modeled after the Netherlands in Japan's Nagasaki Prefecture, has decided to open up a hotel that will be run by a robot staff. The hotel will be named Henna-na Hotel, which translates to Strange Hotel. According to information received from Huis Ten Bosch, the hotel's first phase will open on July 17 with a total of 72 rooms and will be fully be finished in 2016 with an additional 72 rooms. Three robots also known as actroids will be featured as receptionists for the Strange Hotel. According to Hideo Sawada, the president of the Strange Hotel he believes that the hotel will 90% more proficient and hopes that robots fully run the hotel. The Strange Hotel will also have many more interesting features such as face recognizing for room entrance, room temperature being adjusted based on body heat in the room, and other useful and energy proficient features. Finally, instead of rooms being at a fixed price, the pricing instead will be bided on. Personally, I believe if the hotel manages to perform all these actions, they will be a very successful business. However, I am really disinterested in the fact that room pricing will based on a bid. Hopefully the biding feature will be removed, which I believe would make the hotel more successful.